Keeping Your BMW's Navigation on Point: The Why and How of Map Updates - OEMNAVIGATIONS

Keeping Your BMW's Navigation on Point: The Why and How of Map Updates

Why Updating Your BMW's Navigation Maps Matters

Just as your BMW requires routine checks like oil changes and tire rotations, updating its navigation maps is equally important. The reason? Roads are constantly evolving, with new routes cropping up frequently. If your navigation system is stuck in the past, it might miss these changes, leading to confusion and wrong turns.

BMW understands this dynamic landscape, releasing new map updates biannually. It's wise to refresh your maps every six months. To check if you're due for an update, simply peek at the navigation system version displayed on your iDrive screen. If it's over a year old, it's time to refresh.

How to Update Your BMW's Navigation Maps

Updating your BMW's maps is straightforward, and you've got options:

  1. Visit a BMW Dealer: If DIY isn't your thing, no worries. Your local BMW dealer is equipped to update your maps for you.
  2. Oemnavigations for a Tailored Experience: For those seeking specific updates tailored to various BMW head units like ENAVEVO, CIC, NBT, NBT EVO and more, and want to save some money compared to the BMW Dealer, is your go-to. We offer updates for various regions, including Road Map North America, Road Map Europe, and Road Map Australia/New Zealand, compatible with several navigation versions like Premium, Motion, and Next. 

Why Map Updates Are a Must

  • Stay Current with New Roads and Updates: With BMW's biannual releases, you're privy to the latest roads, traffic insights, and more.
  • Enhanced Accuracy: Newer maps are simply more precise, reducing the likelihood of wrong turns.
  • Access to New Features: Think lane guidance, real-time traffic data, and more - all designed to streamline your navigation experience.

Finding Nearby Points of Interest Made Easy

BMW's interactive navigation map is a treasure trove of convenience. Want to discover nearby dining spots, gas stations, or attractions? Just select an area on the map, and a list of local points of interest pops up.

bmw map update

Bottom Line: The Perks of Regular Updates

Regular map updates in your BMW can make a world of difference. They not only keep you on the right track, avoiding traffic snarls and other road issues but also enhance your driving experience with the latest features and more reliable navigation. Consider it a small, worthwhile investment for smoother, more efficient journeys.

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